⚒️Manage Incoming/Outgoing Offers

Describes the process to manage incoming and outgoing offers


How to manage offers:

  1. Select one of the following:

    1. Incoming offers: Manage Incoming NFT offers

      1. Select a timeframe to check for incoming offers

    2. Outgoing offers: Manage Outgoing NFT offers

  2. Select one of the following:

    1. Manage sell offers

    2. Manage buy offers

    3. Cancel all invalid offers

Offers can be deemed invalid for a few reasons:

  1. An offer has expired

  2. An offer for an NFT that has been burned

  3. An outgoing offer for an NFT with an owner who doesn't own the NFT anymore

  1. Select the OfferID you would like to manage

  2. Select an management option for this offer:

  1. If Accepting, Cancelling or Rejecting: Review the transaction details

  2. Confirm/deny the transaction details

  3. Wait for the tx results


Last updated