💡Understanding Distribution Types

Explains the different distribution types

Simple Distribution

NFTs are distributed in an open-ended sale by creating sell offers for the NFTs at a fixed rate.

Advantages / Disadvantages


  • Speed: distributions can be processed relatively fast

  • Bulk Offers: offers of an identical value can be created for an entire collection

  • Greater Visibility: offers are active and can be easily viewed on most marketplaces

  • Payment Flexibility: XRP, IC and free


  • Reserve Requirements: increase with each offer (currently 2 XRP per offer)

  • Open-ended Recipients: There is no control over who can accept your created offers.

On-Demand Distribution

NFTs offers are created with defined recipients when specific conditions are fulfilled.

Advantages / Disadvantages


  • Defined recipients: upon fulfilling a condition, recipients are attached an offer

  • Payment Options: XRP and IC

  • Payment Account: ability to monitor an external account for fulfillment conditions

  • Reserve requirements: offers are created as conditions are met rather than all at once


  • Speed: Offers are created as conditions are met so it can take a while to complete

  • Operational: The distribution needs to be actively running to create offers

  • Trust: Users are not directly accepting an offer and therefore must trust the NFT issuer to create an offer for the nft after fulfilling the predetermined condition

  • Communication: Issuers need to directly communicate the required conditions to their potential recipients or provide a form of gateway (like a minting site) to their users to easily fulfill the conditions.

The on-demand distribution method currently supports payments as its primary condition. However, there are ongoing plans to expand its capabilities by incorporating additional options, including checks, escrows, payment channels and others.


Coming soon!

Last updated